Just over a year ago I bought myself my first touchscreen smartphone.
It's a Nokia 5230 [picture] as many know Nokia is my favorite make.
If you had a Nokia in your life you should already know of the quality that comes out when you purchase a Nokia. The power, the speed and of course, the durability.
Having a smartphone is like having another brain. It helps you remember things and also connects you to the world, your friends, family and loved ones from where ever you are.
Yes, I know what some of you iPhone fanatics are thinking:
"Psh! Nokia?! Come on mate, I have an IPHONE! It beats your phone by light-years!"
Well now, I have been around in Belgium and saw so many people walking around with that piece of fruit, showing it off whenever they could. But when I asked the majority of them "what can you do with your iPhone? What do you use it for?" the same reply comes out.
Well, music of course, and calling and texting and also browsing important things on the internet. And of course, games!"
My heart cries for you...
Facebook, twitter, gmail, youtube, being able to skype with it.
Sending your location to your friends to let them know where you are at the moment, what you're up to, blogging and of course USEFUL applications. Those are the things that your phone is capable of. It's everything you need in this fast growing technological world. But still, the minority of the people even know it can be done.
Why touchscreen?
As many of you know, touchscreen is the new "thing" and something everyone wants. But it's only when you actually know how to use your phone when you realize just how useful it actually is!
It makes things easier, your screen bigger and of course, shows the "smartness" of your phone.
The other day I read a CNN report that said that 90% of Americans still use "default" phones. Yes, I'm talking about that thing you had 10 years ago and is lying around somewhere i your drawer gathering dust.
Obviously there's nothing wrong with still using a default phone. Most of them can connect to the internet and you don't really need anything else.
At the end of the day, a smartphone only gets used out of necessity. Is it really necessary for you to be able to access all those (awesome) functions your phone is capable of?
I can still remember when I had my Nokia 5200. It was useful, strong and learned how to swim numerous times.
[NOKIA 5200]
Of course the only real reason why i bought my 5230 was out of actual necessity. Not just having to want to be able to use it for more purposes but also to be able to actually hear some one (speaker for the ear broke after 5 good years of service).
This is a list of what I use my phone for and how frequently:
Reading CNN (every day)
MSN (almost every day)
Facebook (not frequently)
GPS (not frequently)
Skype (frequently)
Music (ALLOT)
MSN (almost every day)
Facebook (not frequently)
GPS (not frequently)
Skype (frequently)
Music (ALLOT)
Games (not frequently)
Twitter (fairly frequently)
WhatsApp (every day)
Twitter (fairly frequently)
WhatsApp (every day)
Photos and Videos (frequently)
sms (frequently)
calling (not frequently)
calling (not frequently)
So as you can see, a smartphone is something that actually only reigns supreme when using the internet and multimedia.
As for me, I'm happy with my Nokia 5230 and won't replace it even if I win the lottery. It's like a buddy and even has a name (the same as my PC). I've so far had almost no problems with it, I think the biggest problem is probably the amount of built in memory that it has. It makes it hard or next to impossible to do your OVI GPS maps updates :/
So next time you plan on buying a phone, think about what you will actually use it for.
In the end, I found that I use it for a lot more than i was planning to!
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