Sunday, October 2, 2011


After years of thinking "people who says reading is a hobby are insane" I have found myself trapped in its snare.
As a matter of fact, all I do these days is read. Even though we bought an XBox 360 just the other day I find myself reading quietly in my room instead of blowing people's heads off (GoW) throwing them with knives in their faces (CoD MW2) or just throwing them from buildings (Assassin's Creed).

[The four which I have so far]

These are some of my favorite books. The Dark Tower series by Stephen King book 1 - 4:
The Gunslinger (read)
The Drawing Of The Three (read)
The Wastelands (busy reading)
Wizard and Glass (didn't read yet)

Mostly I buy my books online at The Book Depository, it's cheap, fast, brand new and has free shipping world wide.

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